OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

26 September 1984

(Senate Minute pages: 2333-2339)

President Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., September 26, 1984 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty seven members/alternates were present. Absent were: Ralph E. Asplund, Lucian B. Eddy, Martin F. Jurgensen, Dale F. Stein, and E.H.T. Whitten. Visitors were Vance Nelson, Karl Ottenstein, and David Poplawski.

Presentation by Vance Nelson:

Vance Nelson, Director of Computing Services, gave the Senate a presentation on computing at MTU at the invitation of Senate President Paul Nelson, with emphasis on the fees which students are being assessed for computer use as of this quarter. A question and answer period followed. Senators were very critical of the procedure which was followed in developing and implementing the "lab fees," and were also very critical of the fee system itself (see New Business below).

Minutes of Meeting No. 136:

The minutes of meeting No. 136 were approved as written.

President's Report

President Nelson presented a written report (Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office), mentioning the need for nominees to serve on the Patent, Licensing, and Proprietary Rights Committee. Richard Schwartz volunteered to be a nominee.

In regard to the report on the Academic Council meeting of September 11, 1984, the recommendations of the General Education committee are not completely acceptable, and the Deans of Engineering and Sciences and Arts have formed a subcommittee of the Academic Council to try to resolve several issues.

Election of Senate Officers

The following officers were elected for the 84-85 year:

President: Bradley H. Baltensperger
Vice President: Alan J. Brokaw
Secretary: Linda M. Ottenstein

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

The committee is examining the four current options for the Ph.D.in Engineering. The committee is waiting for more information on these options.

B. Instructional Policy

President Nelson reported that there have been suggestions that the Senate re-examine the drop, late drop, and add dates. Several senators remarked that the drop period at MTU is too long.

C. Budget

Linda S. Belote resigned as Senate budget liaison officer.

D. Retrenchment Planning

The committee is about to send a revised copy statement to the AAUP for comments.

Old Business

President Nelson reported that he had asked MTU president Dale F. Stein for a decision on Senate Proposal 2-84 (Departmental Document), but had not received a response.

New Business

A. Proposal 1-85

President Nelson reported that this proposal came from the VP for Academic Affairs and he regrets lack of input from the Sabbatical Leave Committee. Some discussion followed, with no objections to either part of the proposal. A motion was made to refer the proposal to the Sabbatical Leave Committee, with a request that they report on it at the November 7 Senate meeting. Approved.

B. Destruction of Ballots

President Nelson entertained motions to destroy the ballots from the election of new Senate officers and also from two elections held in the spring. Moved, seconded, and approved.

C. Computer Use Fees

The Senate adopted the following resolution:

The Faculty Senate of MTU is deeply concerned about the computer user fee program which was instituted without Senate consultation in late summer of this year. The program creates great hardship for both faculty and students, and adversely affects the quality of education at this university, which is its first and most important mission.

D. Provisional Information Booklet for the Faculty

Several senators expressed concern over the above-named booklet, which was recently distributed to the faculty, because of apparent policy changes which are stated in it. Paul Nelson stated that the booklet is not the Faculty Handbook (the Senate is charged with preparation of the Faculty Handbook; a new issue is nearly completed), and the Senate hereby goes on record as recognizing that the booklet is provisional, and does not carry Senate approval.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Gary G. Gimmestad
Senate Secretary